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Dealing with Personal Injury During the Coronavirus Pandemic

elderly woman facetiming her doctor

News concerning the coronavirus pandemic is rightly, and almost entirely, taking center stage as “All of Us” are forced to deal with one of the greatest threats to humanity in our lifetime. Although Floridians are known for their resilience in preparing for and recovering from hurricanes, the current pandemic presents unique dilemmas, which may require a unique approach for determining your best outcomes. At the Law Offices of Schackow & Mercadante, we take your health, as well as that of our dedicated staff, very seriously. In doing our part to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we will be taking certain precautions as our attorneys continue to manage your case or discuss the details of new cases remotely and/or through more personal contact.

Although courts in Alachua County have currently suspended processing civil (tort) cases, the virus hasn’t erased the possibility of personal injury that may require medical and legal attention. Vehicular accidents, slip and falls, and other types of personal injury will still occur creating a need for orthopedic doctors, neurosurgeons, pain management doctors, and other urgent care health professionals. Even though it is true that COVID-19 has stretched the capacity of many Florida healthcare institutions, our goal is to help relieve the uncertainty you may be feeling while dealing with and recovering from accidental injuries. If you were recently injured, we can ensure you get a diagnosis* from the appropriate doctor or urgent care facility, as well as speak with an experienced personal injury attorney regarding your right to seek compensation.

By investing in advanced technologies, the staff at Schackow & Mercadante is prepared for these uncertain times and have access to case files to work with existing and new clients remotely, if needed. Using advanced technologies, our experienced staff can:

  • Investigate your personal injury claim and pursue discovery
  • Conduct electronic video interviews and legal depositions
  • Negotiate a fair settlement working directly with insurance adjusters
  • Engage in court-ordered mediation or arbitration via video conferencing
  • File personal injury lawsuits despite in-person court closures
  • Pursue settlement negotiations with adverse parties

In issuing the Safer at Home Executive Order, Governor Ron DeSantis said that even though the goal is to avoid close contact with people outside your home in order to reduce the transmission rate of the virus, it is less important what you do than how you do it.

If you are a client of our law firm or someone who has been injured in a recent accident, help is available. Since most court systems, litigators and insurance carriers are familiar with holding status conferences and discovery dispute hearings by phone or video conferences, we are dedicated to representing your case while abiding by proper measures for social distancing. The City of Gainesville has posted an online FAQs page to answer many of the general questions that you may have concerning how the COVID-19 will be impacting the lives of those living in our area of north central Florida. Here at Schackow & Mercadante, our wish is for you and your family to safely shelter in place during these uncertain times as “All of Us” learn to effectively manage the threats posed by the coronavirus pandemic.

*NOTE: Medical evaluations may be taken by video conferencing using the latest techniques for telemedicine.